"WELCOME TO MY BLOG -elmos's-" : : : : : : : : Rizka 'Novri Hardiyanti : : : : : : : : : : Rizka's: April 2016

Rabu, 27 April 2016


A place that has been the visit is Jogjakarta, the city is famous in Indonesia. I went to the temple of Borobudur. I see some beautiful scenery mountains, forests, and waterfalls as well as cars pass by. Borobudur temple is crowded on a holiday vacation. I can learn and practice speaking English with a foreign tourist different language to me. It was a very interesting holiday for me and my family was happy.

I intended go to Mecca . Mecca is the place I wanted to visit. as Islam certainly eager to Mecca to perform the 5th pillar of Islam is pilgrimage if able. This place is a sacred place and therefore prior to this place must have a good soul . One word to Mecca is "amazing". I hope these  place can I visit as soon as possible with my parents and my big family

Place that are eager to visit but it was not possible, I wanted to visit the house Upin and ipin. Stories from malaysia that actually exist in village life. showing the lives of children who were enjoying cheerful. They are so cute and innocent. Upin & ipin view life in a simple and be ever grateful. Socializing is good with his friends and politely with adults.